Run the demo, can’t find the robot?

  • a. NETWORK - Please make sure both your PC/laptop AND Alpha Mini is connected to the same WiFi network.

  • b. ROBOT VERSION - b.Please check the robot version on your mobile phone to ensure the version can support Python SDK.

    • a. If it is a China educational version robot, the robot software version needs to be greater than to 1.3;

    • b. If it is an overseas educational version robot, the robot software version needs to be greater than to 1.4.

    • c. If it is a AlphaMini China standard version robot, the version number needs to be greater than 2.0.5.

    • d. The SDK searches for the China educational version robot by default.

    • e. You can use api MiniSdk.set_robot_type (MiniSdk.RobotType.DEDU ) to switches the type of robot

      • i. EDU means overseas version of AlphaMini robot

      • ii. DEDU means China education version of AlphaMini robot

      • iii. MINI means China standard version of AlphaMini robot.

  • c. FIREWALL - Please check if you have disabled the Firewall on Windows PC. Once turned off, restart PC for it to take effects.

2. Where do I find more information regarding Python SDK of Alpha Mini?

3. Where can I get the steps in enabling IBM Watson Assistant with Alpha Mini?

4. How to turn on the debugging switch?

  • The sdk turns off the log output by default, you need to turn on the log switch, please call: MiniSdk.set_log_level(logging.DEBUG).