import asyncio
from mini.apis import errors
from mini.apis.api_sence import FaceAnalysis, FaceAnalyzeResponse
from mini.apis.api_sence import FaceDetect, FaceDetectResponse
from mini.apis.api_sence import FaceRecognise, FaceRecogniseResponse
from mini.apis.api_sence import GetInfraredDistance, GetInfraredDistanceResponse
from mini.apis.api_sence import GetRegisterFaces, GetRegisterFacesResponse
from mini.apis.api_sence import ObjectRecognise, RecogniseObjectResponse, ObjectRecogniseType
from mini.apis.api_sence import TakePicture, TakePictureResponse, TakePictureType
from mini.apis.base_api import MiniApiResultType
from mini.dns.dns_browser import WiFiDevice
from test.test_connect import test_connect, shutdown, test_start_run_program
from test.test_connect import test_get_device_by_name
# Test face detection
[docs]async def test_face_detect():
"""Test face count detection
Detect the number of faces, 10s timeout, and wait for the reply
#FaceDetectResponse.count: the number of faces
#FaceDetectResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful
#FaceDetectResponse.resultCode: Return code
# timeout: Specify the detection time
block: FaceDetect = FaceDetect(timeout=10)
# response: FaceDetectResponse
(resultType, response) = await block.execute()
print(f'test_face_detect result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_face_detect timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response, FaceDetectResponse), 'test_face_detect result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'face_detect failed'
# Test face analysis (gender)
[docs]async def test_face_analysis():
"""Test face analysis (gender)
Detect face information (gender, age), time out 10s, and wait for the reply result
When multiple people are in front of the camera, return the face information that accounts for the largest proportion of the screen
Return value: Example {"age": 24, "gender": 99, "height": 238, "width": 238}
age: age
gender: [1, 100], females less than 50 are females, males greater than 50
height: the height of the face in the camera image
width: the width of the face in the camera image
block: FaceAnalysis = FaceAnalysis(timeout=10)
# response: FaceAnalyzeResponse
(resultType, response) = await block.execute()
print(f'test_face_analysis result: {response}')
print('code = {0}, error={1}'.format(response.resultCode, errors.get_vision_error_str(response.resultCode)))
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_face_analysis timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response, FaceAnalyzeResponse), 'test_face_analysis result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'face_analysis failed'
# Test object recognition: recognize flowers, 10s timeout
[docs]async def test_object_recognise_flower():
"""Test object (flower) recognition
Let the robot recognize the flower (you need to manually put the flower or flower photo in front of the robot), time out 10s, and wait for the result
#RecogniseObjectResponse.objects: array of object names [str]
#RecogniseObjectResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful
#RecogniseObjectResponse.resultCode: Return code
# object_type: supports FLOWER, FRUIT, GESTURE three types of objects
block: ObjectRecognise = ObjectRecognise(object_type=ObjectRecogniseType.FLOWER, timeout=10)
# response : RecogniseObjectResponse
(resultType, response) = await block.execute()
print(f'test_object_recognise_flower result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_object_recognise_flower timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response,
RecogniseObjectResponse), 'test_object_recognise_flower result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'test_object_recognise_flower failed'
# Test object recognition: recognize fruits, 10s timeout
[docs]async def test_object_recognise_fruit():
"""Test object (fruit) recognition
Let the robot recognize the flower (you need to manually put the fruit or fruit photo in front of the robot), time out 10s, and wait for the result
#RecogniseObjectResponse.objects: array of object names [str]
#RecogniseObjectResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful
#RecogniseObjectResponse.resultCode: Return code
# object_type: Support FLOWER, FRUIT, GESTURE three types of objects
block: ObjectRecognise = ObjectRecognise(object_type=ObjectRecogniseType.FRUIT, timeout=10)
# response : RecogniseObjectResponse
(resultType, response) = await block.execute()
print(f'test_object_recognise_fruit result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_object_recognise_fruit timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response,
RecogniseObjectResponse), 'test_object_recognise_fruit result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'test_object_recognise_fruit failed'
# Test object recognition: recognize gestures, 10s timeout
[docs]async def test_object_recognise_gesture():
"""Test object (gesture) recognition
Let the robot recognize the flower (need to manually make a gesture in front of the robot), time out 10s, and wait for the result
#RecogniseObjectResponse.objects: array of object names [str]
#RecogniseObjectResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful
#RecogniseObjectResponse.resultCode: Return code
# object_type: Support FLOWER, FRUIT, GESTURE three types of objects
block: ObjectRecognise = ObjectRecognise(object_type=ObjectRecogniseType.GESTURE, timeout=10)
# response : RecogniseObjectResponse
(resultType, response) = await block.execute()
print(f'test_object_recognise_gesture result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_object_recognise_gesture timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response,
RecogniseObjectResponse), 'test_object_recognise_gesture result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'test_object_recognise_gesture failed'
# Test photo
[docs]async def test_take_picture():
"""Test photo
Let the robot take a photo immediately and wait for the result
#TakePictureResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful
#TakePictureResponse.code: Return code
#TakePictureResponse.picPath: The storage path of the photo in the robot
# response: TakePictureResponse
# take_picture_type: IMMEDIATELY-photograph immediately, FINDFACE-find the face and take a photo with two photo effects
(resultType, response) = await TakePicture(take_picture_type=TakePictureType.IMMEDIATELY).execute()
print(f'test_take_picture result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_take_picture timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response, TakePictureResponse), 'test_take_picture result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'test_take_picture failed'
# Test face recognition
[docs]async def test_face_recognise():
"""Test face recognition
Let the robot perform face recognition detection, time out 10s, and wait for the result
#FaceRecogniseResponse.faceInfos: [FaceInfoResponse] face information array face id name, if it is a stranger, the default name is "stranger"
FaceInfoResponse.gender: gender
FaceInfoResponse.age: age
#FaceRecogniseResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful
#FaceRecogniseResponse.resultCode: Return code
# response : FaceRecogniseResponse
(resultType, response) = await FaceRecognise(timeout=10).execute()
print(f'test_face_recognise result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_face_recognise timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response,
FaceRecogniseResponse), 'test_face_recognise result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'test_face_recognise failed'
# Test to obtain infrared detection distance
[docs]async def test_get_infrared_distance():
"""Test infrared distance detection
Get the infrared distance detected by the current robot and wait for the result
#GetInfraredDistanceResponse.distance: Infrared distance
# response: GetInfraredDistanceResponse
(resultType, response) = await GetInfraredDistance().execute()
print(f'test_get_infrared_distance result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_get_infrared_distance timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response,
GetInfraredDistanceResponse), 'test_get_infrared_distance result unavailable'
assert response.distance > 0, 'test_get_infrared_distance failed'
# Test to get the number of faces currently registered in the robot
[docs]async def test_get_register_faces():
"""Test to obtain registered face information
Get all the face information registered in the robot and wait for the result
#GetRegisterFacesResponse.faceInfos: [FaceInfoResponse] face information array face id name
#FaceInfoResponse.gender: gender
#FaceInfoResponse.age: age
#GetRegisterFacesResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful
#GetRegisterFacesResponse.resultCode: Return code
# reponse : GetRegisterFacesResponse
(resultType, response) = await GetRegisterFaces().execute()
print(f'test_get_register_faces result: {response}')
assert resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success, 'test_get_register_faces timetout'
assert response is not None and isinstance(response,
GetRegisterFacesResponse), 'test_get_register_faces result unavailable'
assert response.isSuccess, 'test_get_register_faces failed'
[docs]async def main():
device: WiFiDevice = await test_get_device_by_name()
if device:
await test_connect(device)
await test_start_run_program()
await test_face_detect()
await test_face_analysis()
await test_take_picture()
await test_face_recognise()
await test_get_infrared_distance()
await test_get_register_faces()
await test_object_recognise_flower()
await test_object_recognise_fruit()
await test_object_recognise_gesture()
await shutdown()
if __name__ == '__main__':