Voice API test

async test.test_sound.test_play_tts()[source]

Test play tts

Make the robot start playing a tts, the content is “Hello, I am Alphamini, la la la”, and wait for the result

#ControlTTSResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful

#ControlTTSResponse.resultCode: Return code

async test.test_sound.test_stop_play_tts()[source]

Test stop playing tts

Make the robot start to play a long text tts, the content is “Hello, I am Alphamini, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la”, do not wait result After 2s, make the robot stop playing tts

#ControlTTSResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful

#ControlTTSResponse.resultCode: Return code

async test.test_sound.test_play_online_audio()[source]

Test playing online sound

Make the robot play an online sound effect, such as “http://hao.haolingsheng.com/ring/000/995/52513bb6a4546b8822c89034afb8bacb.mp3

Supported formats are mp3, amr, wav, etc.

And wait for the result

#PlayAudioResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful

#PlayAudioResponse.resultCode: Return code

async test.test_sound.test_play_local_audio()[source]

Test playing local sound

Make the robot play a local built-in sound effect, the sound effect name is “read_016”, and wait for the result

#PlayAudioResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful

#PlayAudioResponse.resultCode: Return code

async test.test_sound.test_get_audio_list()[source]

Test to get a list of sound effects

Get the list of sound effects built into the robot and wait for the result

#GetAudioListResponse.audio ([Audio]): Audio effect list

#Audio.name: Audio effect name

#Audio.suffix: audio suffix

#GetAudioListResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful

#GetAudioListResponse.resultCode: Return code

async test.test_sound.test_stop_audio_tts()[source]

Test stop all audio being played

Play a period of tts first, after 3s, stop all sound effects, and wait for the result

#StopAudioResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful

#StopAudioResponse.resultCode: Return code

async test.test_sound.test_change_robot_volume()[source]

Adjust the robot volume demo

Set the robot volume to 0.5 and wait for the reply result

#ChangeRobotVolumeResponse.isSuccess: Is it successful

#ChangeRobotVolumeResponse.resultCode: Return code

async test.test_sound.main()[source]