mini.mini_sdk 源代码

import asyncio
import logging
from asyncio.futures import Future

import enum
from google.protobuf import message as _message
from typing import Any, Set, Optional

from mini import MoveRobotDirection, MiniApiResultType, MouthLampMode, \
    MouthLampColor, ServicePlatform, LanType
from mini.pb2.codemao_faceanalyze_pb2 import FaceAnalyzeResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_facedetect_pb2 import FaceDetectResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_facerecognise_pb2 import FaceRecogniseResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_getaudiolist_pb2 import GetAudioListResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_getinfrareddistance_pb2 import GetInfraredDistanceResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_getregisterfaces_pb2 import GetRegisterFacesResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_recogniseobject_pb2 import RecogniseObjectResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_speechrecognise_pb2 import SpeechRecogniseResponse
from mini.pb2.codemao_takepicture_pb2 import TakePictureResponse
from .channels.websocket_client import AbstractMsgHandler as _AbstractMsgHandler
from .channels.websocket_client import ubt_websocket as _websocket
from .dns.dns_browser import WiFiDeviceListener, WiFiDevice
from .dns.dns_browser import browser as _browser

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if _log.level == logging.NOTSET:

browser = _browser()
websocket = _websocket()

[文档]def set_log_level(level: int, save_file: str = None): """设置sdk日志级别 Args: level: logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR save_file: 需要保存到文件的, 填写日志文件路径 """ _log.setLevel(level) from .dns.dns_browser import log as log1 log1.setLevel(level) from .channels.websocket_client import log as log2 log2.setLevel(level) from .dns.zeroconf import log as log3 log3.setLevel(level) log3.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) if save_file is not None: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(save_file) _log.addHandler(file_handler) log1.addHandler(file_handler) log2.addHandler(file_handler)
[文档]@enum.unique class RobotType(enum.Enum): """ 机器人产品类型 """ DEDU = 1 """ 悟空国内教育版 """ MINI = 2 """ 悟空标准版 """ EDU = 3 """悟空海外教育版 """ KOR = 4 """悟空韩国版 """
[文档]def set_robot_type(robot: RobotType): """设置要链接的机器人产品类型 Args: robot: 取值为: RobotType.DEDU , RobotType.MINI, RobotType.EDU, RobotType.KOR """ if robot == RobotType.MINI: from .dns import dns_browser dns_browser.service_type = "_Mini_mini_channel_server._tcp.local." elif robot == RobotType.DEDU: from .dns import dns_browser dns_browser.service_type = "_Dedu_mini_channel_server._tcp.local." elif robot == RobotType.EDU: from .dns import dns_browser dns_browser.service_type = "_Edu_mini_channel_server._tcp.local." elif robot == RobotType.KOR: from .dns import dns_browser dns_browser.service_type = "_Kor_mini_channel_server._tcp.local." else: print(f"不支持的机器人产品类型")
class _GetWiFiDeviceListListener(WiFiDeviceListener): """批量获取机器人设备监听类 Args: devices: Set[WiFiDevice] or None """ devices: Set[WiFiDevice] def __init__(self, devices): self.devices: Set[WiFiDevice] = devices or set() def on_device_updated(self, device: WiFiDevice) -> None: """ 机器人设备更新了 Args: device: WiFiDevice """ self.devices.update([device]) def on_device_removed(self, device: WiFiDevice) -> None: """ 机器人设备从局域网中移除了 Args: device: WFiDevice """ self.devices.remove(device) def on_device_found(self, device: WiFiDevice) -> None: """ 扫描到一个机器人设备 Args: device: WFiDevice """ self.devices.add(device) async def _get_user_input(devices: tuple) -> int: try: i: int = 0 for device in devices: print('{0}.{1}'.format(i, device)) i += 1 num_text = input(f'请输入选择连接的机器人序号:') except Exception as e: raise e else: return int(num_text) def _start_scan(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, name: str) -> Future: """ 开启一个扫描机器人设备的Future Args: loop: 当前事件loop name: 指定设备名称 Returns: asyncio.Future """ fut = loop.create_future() class _InnerLister(WiFiDeviceListener): @staticmethod def set_result(future: Future, device: WiFiDevice): if future.cancelled() or future.done(): return"found device : {device}") future.set_result(device) def on_device_found(self, device: WiFiDevice) -> None: if if fut.cancelled() or fut.done(): return loop.run_in_executor(None, browser.stop_scan) loop.call_soon(_InnerLister.set_result, fut, device) def on_device_updated(self, device: WiFiDevice) -> None: if if fut.cancelled() or fut.done(): return loop.run_in_executor(None, browser.stop_scan) loop.call_soon(_InnerLister.set_result, fut, device) def on_device_removed(self, device: WiFiDevice) -> None: if if fut.cancelled() or fut.done(): return loop.call_soon(_InnerLister.set_result, fut, device)"start scanning...") browser.add_listener(_InnerLister()) browser.start_scan(0) return fut async def _get_device_by_name(name: str, timeout: int) -> Optional[WiFiDevice]: """ 获取当前局域网内,指定名字的机器人设备信息 Args: name: 设备序列号 timeout: 扫描超时时间 Returns: Optional[WiFiDevice] """ async def start_scan_async(): return await _start_scan(asyncio.get_running_loop(), name) try: device: WiFiDevice = await asyncio.wait_for(start_scan_async(), timeout) return device except asyncio.TimeoutError: _log.warning(f'scan device timeout') return None finally: browser.stop_scan()"stop scan finished.") async def _get_device_list(timeout: int) -> tuple: """ 获取当前局域网内所有机器人设备信息 Args: timeout: 超时时间 Returns: Optional[WiFiDevice] """ devices: Set[WiFiDevice] = set() browser.add_listener(_GetWiFiDeviceListListener(devices)) browser.start_scan(0) await asyncio.sleep(timeout) browser.remove_all_listener() browser.stop_scan() return tuple(devices) async def _connect(device: WiFiDevice) -> bool: """ 连接机器人设备 Args: device (WiFiDevice): 指定机器人设备对象 Returns: bool: 是否连接设备成功 """ return await websocket.connect(device.address) def _register_msg_handler(cmd: int, handler: _AbstractMsgHandler): """ 注册命令监听器 Args: cmd: 支持的命令请查看: mini.apis.cmdid handler: 命令处理器 """ websocket.register_msg_handler(cmd, handler) def _unregister_msg_handler(cmd: int, handler: _AbstractMsgHandler): """ 反注册命令监听器 Args: cmd: 支持的命令请查看: mini.apis.cmdid handler: 命令处理器 """ websocket.unregister_msg_handler(cmd, handler) async def _send_msg(cmd: int, message: _message.Message, timeout: int) -> Any: """ 发送一个消息给机器人 Args: cmd:支持的命令请查看: mini.apis.cmdid message: 消息类在: mini.pb2 包内 timeout: 超时时间 """ return await websocket.send_msg(cmd, message, timeout) async def _release(): """ 断开链接,释放资源 """ await websocket.shutdown() # -----------------------------------------------------------------#
[文档]async def get_device_by_name(name: str, timeout: int) -> Optional[WiFiDevice]: """ 获取当前局域网内,指定名字的机器人设备信息 Args: name: 设备序列号 timeout: 扫描超时时间 Returns: Optional[WiFiDevice] """ return await _get_device_by_name(name, timeout)
[文档]async def get_device_list(timeout: int) -> tuple: """获取当前局域网内所有机器人设备信息 Args: timeout: 超时时间 Returns: Optional[WiFiDevice] """ return await _get_device_list(timeout)
[文档]async def connect(device: WiFiDevice) -> bool: """连接机器人设备 Args: device (WiFiDevice): 指定机器人设备对象 Returns: bool: 是否连接设备成功 """ return await _connect(device)
[文档]async def release(): """ 断开链接,释放资源 """ await _release()
[文档]async def enter_program() -> bool: """进入编程模式api 机器人进入编程模式 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_setup import StartRunProgram (resultType, response) = await StartRunProgram().execute() await asyncio.sleep(6) return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def quit_program() -> bool: """退出编程模式api 机器人退出编程模式 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_setup import StopRunProgram return await StopRunProgram(is_serial=False).execute()
[文档]async def play_action(action_name: str = None) -> bool: """执行内置动作api 机器人执行一个指定名称的内置动作 动作名称可用get_action_list获取 Args: action_name (str): 动作名称 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_action import PlayAction block: PlayAction = PlayAction(True, action_name) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'play_action result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def stop_action() -> bool: """停止动作 如果动作是一个不可打断的动作, stop_action返回False Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_action import StopAllAction block: StopAllAction = StopAllAction() (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'stop_action result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def play_custom_action(action_name: str = None) -> bool: """执行自定义动作api 让机器人执行一个指定名称的自定义动作, 并等待结果 动作名称可用get_custom_action_list获取 Args: action_name (str): 自定义动作名称 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_action import PlayCustomAction block: PlayCustomAction = PlayCustomAction(True, action_name) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'play_custom_action result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def stop_custom_action() -> bool: """停止自定义动作 如果动作是一个不可打断的动作, stop_action返回False Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_action import StopCustomAction block: StopCustomAction = StopCustomAction() (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'stop_custom_action result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def move(direction: MoveRobotDirection = MoveRobotDirection.FORWARD, step: int = 1) -> bool: """控制机器人移动 控制机器人往左(LEFTWARD)移动10步,并等待执行结果 Args: direction (MoveRobotDirection): 方向 step (int): 步数 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_action import MoveRobot block: MoveRobot = MoveRobot(True, direction, step) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'move result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def get_action_list() -> list: """获取取动作列表 获取机器人系统内置的动作列表,等待回复结果 Returns: [] : 动作列表 """ from mini.apis.api_action import GetActionList from mini import RobotActionType block: GetActionList = GetActionList(True, RobotActionType.INNER) (resultType, response) = await block.execute() if resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess: return response.actionList else: return []
[文档]async def get_custom_action_list() -> list: """获取自定义动作列表 获取机器人/sdcard/customize/actions下的动作列表,等待回复结果 Returns: [] : 自定义动作列表 """ from mini.apis.api_action import GetActionList from mini import RobotActionType block: GetActionList = GetActionList(True, RobotActionType.INNER) (resultType, response) = await block.execute() if resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess: return response.actionList else: return []
[文档]async def wiki(query: str) -> bool: """查询百科demo 查询百科,例如:查询内容"优必选",并等待结果,机器人播报查询结果 Args: query (str): 查询关键字 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_content import QueryWiKi block: QueryWiKi = QueryWiKi(True, query) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'wiki result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def translate(query: str, from_lan: LanType = None, to_lan: LanType = None, platform: ServicePlatform = ServicePlatform.BAIDU) -> bool: """翻译 例如:使用百度翻译,把"张学友",从中文翻译成英文,并等待结果,机器人播报翻译结果: translate(query="张学友",from_lan=CN,to_lan=EN,platform=BAIDU ) Args: query (str): 关键字 from_lan (LanType): 源语言 to_lan (LanType): 目标语言 platform (ServicePlatform): BAIDU, GOOGLE, TENCENT Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_content import StartTranslate block: StartTranslate = StartTranslate(True, query, from_lan=from_lan, to_lan=to_lan, platform=platform) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'translate result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def play_expression(express_name: str) -> bool: """播放表情 让机器人播放一个express_name的内置表情,并等待回复结果 Args: express_name (str): 表情文件名,如:"codemao1" Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_expression import PlayExpression block: PlayExpression = PlayExpression(True, express_name) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'play expression result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def play_behavior(behavior_name: str) -> bool: """播放舞蹈 让机器人开始跳一个名为behavior_name的舞蹈,并等待回复结果 Args: behavior_name (str): 例如"dance_0004" Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_behavior import StartBehavior block: StartBehavior = StartBehavior(True, behavior_name) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'play behavior result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def stop_behavior() -> bool: """停止正在播放的舞蹈 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_behavior import StopBehavior block: StopBehavior = StopBehavior(True) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'stop behavior result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def set_MouthLamp_NormalMode(color: MouthLampColor = MouthLampColor.RED, duration: int = 1000) -> bool: """ 设置嘴巴灯常亮模式,并等待结果 Args: color (MouthLampColor): 嘴巴灯颜色,默认RED duration (int): 单位ms,持续时间 Returns: bool """ return await _set_mouthlamp_mode(mode=MouthLampMode.NORMAL, color=color, duration=duration)
[文档]async def set_MouthLamp_BreathMode(breath_duration: int = 1000, color: MouthLampColor = MouthLampColor.RED, duration: int = 1000) -> bool: """ 设置嘴巴灯呼吸模式,并等待结果 Args: breath_duration (int): 单位ms,呼吸一次的时长 color (MouthLampColor): 嘴巴灯颜色,默认RED duration (int): 单位ms,持续时间 Returns: bool """ return await _set_mouthlamp_mode(mode=MouthLampMode.BREATH, breath_duration=breath_duration, color=color, duration=duration)
async def _set_mouthlamp_mode(mode: MouthLampMode = MouthLampMode.NORMAL, color: MouthLampColor = MouthLampColor.RED, duration: int = 1000, breath_duration: int = 1000) -> bool: """设置嘴巴灯模式 设置机器人嘴巴灯正常模式、绿色、常亮3s,并等待回复结果 当mode=NORMAL时,duration参数起作用,表示常亮多久时间 当mode=BREATH,breath_duration参数表示多久呼吸一次 设置生效后,机器人会立即返回设置结果(与设置的duration参数无关) Args: mode: 嘴巴灯模式,0:普通模式,1:呼吸模式 color: 嘴巴灯颜色,1:红色,2:绿色,3:蓝色 duration: 持续时间,单位为毫秒,-1表示常亮 breath_duration: 闪烁一次时长,单位为毫秒 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_expression import SetMouthLamp block: SetMouthLamp = SetMouthLamp(True, mode, color, duration, breath_duration) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'set MouthLamp mode result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def switch_MouthLamp(is_open: bool = True) -> bool: """开关嘴巴灯 开关机器人嘴巴灯,并等待结果 Args: is_open: bool Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_expression import ControlMouthLamp block: ControlMouthLamp = ControlMouthLamp(True, is_open) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'switch MouthLamp result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def play_tts(text: str) -> bool: """播放tts 使机器人开始播放一段tts,并等待结果 Args: text: str, 例如:"你好, 我是悟空, 啦啦啦", Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_sound import StartPlayTTS block: StartPlayTTS = StartPlayTTS(True, text) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'play tts result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def stop_tts() -> bool: """停止语音合成播报, 并等待结果 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_sound import StopPlayTTS block: StopPlayTTS = StopPlayTTS(True) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'stop tts result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def play_online_audio(url: str) -> bool: """播放在线音效 使机器人播放一段在线音效, 并等待结果 Args: url: str, 例如: 支持格式有mp3,amr,wav 等 Returns: bool """ from mini import AudioStorageType from mini.apis.api_sound import PlayAudio block: PlayAudio = PlayAudio(True, url, AudioStorageType.NET_PUBLIC) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'play online audio result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def play_local_audio(local_file: str) -> bool: """播放本地音效 使机器人播放一段本地内置音效,音效名称为"read_016",并等待结果 Args: local_file: Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_sound import PlayAudio from mini import AudioStorageType block: PlayAudio = PlayAudio(True, local_file, AudioStorageType.PRESET_LOCAL) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'play local audio result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def stop_audio() -> bool: """停止所有正在播放的音频 停止所有所有音效,并等待结果 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_sound import StopAllAudio block: StopAllAudio = StopAllAudio(True) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'stop audio result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def get_system_audio_list() -> GetAudioListResponse: """获取音效列表 获取机器人内置的音效列表,并等待结果 ([Audio]) : 音效列表 : 音效名 #Audio.suffix : 音效后缀 #GetAudioListResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #GetAudioListResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: GetAudioListResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sound import FetchAudioList from mini import AudioSearchType block: FetchAudioList = FetchAudioList(True, search_type=AudioSearchType.INNER) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'stop audio result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def get_custom_audio_list() -> GetAudioListResponse: """获取音效列表 获取机器人开发者放置在/sdcard/customize/music/下的音效列表,并等待结果 ([Audio]) : 音效列表 : 音效名 #Audio.suffix : 音效后缀 #GetAudioListResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #GetAudioListResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: GetAudioListResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sound import FetchAudioList from mini import AudioSearchType block: FetchAudioList = FetchAudioList(True, search_type=AudioSearchType.CUSTOM) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'stop audio result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def change_volume(volume: float = 0.5) -> bool: """调整机器人音量demo 设置机器人音量为0~1,等待回复结果 Args: volume: float 默认0.5 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_sound import ChangeRobotVolume block: ChangeRobotVolume = ChangeRobotVolume(True, volume) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'change volume result:{response}') return resultType == MiniApiResultType.Success and response.isSuccess
[文档]async def face_detect() -> FaceDetectResponse: """人脸个数侦测 做一次人脸个数侦测,并等待回复结果 #FaceDetectResponse.count : 人脸个数 #FaceDetectResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #FaceDetectResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: FaceDetectResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import FaceDetect block: FaceDetect = FaceDetect(True, 10) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'face detect result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def face_analysis() -> FaceAnalyzeResponse: """人脸分析(性别) 做一次人脸信息(性别、年龄)侦测,并等待回复结果 当多人存在摄像头前时,返回占画面比例最大的那个人脸信息 返回值:示例 {"age": 24, "gender": 99, "height": 238, "width": 238} age: 年龄 gender:[1, 100], 小于50为女性,大于50为男性 height:人脸在摄像头画面中的高度 width:人脸在摄像头画面中的宽度 #FaceAnalyzeResponse.faceInfos : 人脸信息数组[FaceInfoResponse] #FaceInfoResponse.gender (int) :[1,100],小于50为女性,大于50为男性 #FaceInfoResponse.age : 年龄 #FaceInfoResponse.width : 人脸在摄像头画面中的宽度 #FaceInfoResponse.height : 人脸在摄像头画面中的高度 #FaceAnalyzeResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #FaceAnalyzeResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: FaceAnalyzeResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import FaceAnalysis block: FaceAnalysis = FaceAnalysis(True, 10) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'face analysis result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def face_recognise() -> FaceRecogniseResponse: """人脸识别 做一次人脸识别检测,并等待结果 #FaceRecogniseResponse.faceInfos : [FaceInfoResponse] 人脸信息数组 : 人脸id : 姓名,如果是陌生人,则默认name为"stranger" #FaceInfoResponse.gender : 性别 #FaceInfoResponse.age : 年龄 #FaceRecogniseResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #FaceRecogniseResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: RecogniseObjectResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import FaceRecognise (resultType, response) = await FaceRecognise(True, 10).execute()'face recognise result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def flower_recognise() -> RecogniseObjectResponse: """花草识别 让机器人做一次花草识别, (需手动把花或花的照片放到机器人面前),并等待结果 #RecogniseObjectResponse.objects : 识别结果数组[str] #RecogniseObjectResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #RecogniseObjectResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: RecogniseObjectResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import ObjectRecognise from mini import ObjectRecogniseType block: ObjectRecognise = ObjectRecognise(True, ObjectRecogniseType.FLOWER, 10) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'flower_recognise result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def fruit_recognise() -> RecogniseObjectResponse: """水果识别 让机器人做一次水果识别, (需手动把水果或水果的照片放到机器人面前),并等待结果 #RecogniseObjectResponse.objects : 识别结果数组[str] #RecogniseObjectResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #RecogniseObjectResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: RecogniseObjectResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import ObjectRecognise from mini import ObjectRecogniseType block: ObjectRecognise = ObjectRecognise(True, ObjectRecogniseType.FRUIT, 10) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'fruit_recognize result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def gesture_recognise() -> RecogniseObjectResponse: """手势识别 让机器人做一次用户手势识别, (需在机器人面前作出手势),并等待结果 #RecogniseObjectResponse.objects : 识别结果数组[str] #RecogniseObjectResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #RecogniseObjectResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: RecogniseObjectResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import ObjectRecognise from mini import ObjectRecogniseType block: ObjectRecognise = ObjectRecognise(True, ObjectRecogniseType.GESTURE, 10) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'gesture_recognize result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def take_picture_immediately() -> TakePictureResponse: """拍照 让机器人立即拍照,并等待结果 #TakePictureResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #TakePictureResponse.code : 返回码 #TakePictureResponse.picPath : 照片在机器人里的存储路径 Returns: TakePictureResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import TakePicture from mini import TakePictureType (resultType, response) = await TakePicture(take_picture_type=TakePictureType.IMMEDIATELY).execute()'take picture immediately result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def take_picture() -> TakePictureResponse: """拍照 让机器人查找人脸后再拍照,并等待结果 #TakePictureResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #TakePictureResponse.code : 返回码 #TakePictureResponse.picPath : 照片在机器人里的存储路径 Returns: TakePictureResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import TakePicture from mini import TakePictureType (resultType, response) = await TakePicture(take_picture_type=TakePictureType.FINDFACE).execute()'take picture result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def get_register_faces() -> GetRegisterFacesResponse: """获取已注册的人脸信息 获取在机器人中已注册的所有人脸信息,并等待结果 #GetRegisterFacesResponse.faceInfos : [FaceInfoResponse] 人脸信息数组 : 人脸id : 姓名 #FaceInfoResponse.gender : 性别 #FaceInfoResponse.age : 年龄 #GetRegisterFacesResponse.isSuccess : 是否成功 #GetRegisterFacesResponse.resultCode : 返回码 Returns: GetRegisterFacesResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import GetRegisterFaces (resultType, response) = await GetRegisterFaces().execute()'get register faces result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def get_infrared_distance() -> GetInfraredDistanceResponse: """红外距离检测 获取当前机器人检测到的红外距离,并等待结果 #GetInfraredDistanceResponse.distance : 红外距离 Returns: GetInfraredDistanceResponse """ from mini.apis.api_sence import GetInfraredDistance (resultType, response) = await GetInfraredDistance().execute()'get infrared distance result:{response}') return response
[文档]async def speech_recognise(timeout: int) -> SpeechRecogniseResponse: """语音识别api 机器人在指定时间内,执行语音识别 Args: timeout (int): 超时时间 Returns: bool """ from mini.apis.api_sence import StartSpeechRecognise block: StartSpeechRecognise = StartSpeechRecognise(True, timeout) (resultType, response) = await block.execute()'speech_recognise result:{response}') return response